So, we celebrated Aunt Kinsey's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese and Drew loved it! While I was downloading the pictures for this blog I asked him who the big mouse was. He responded by saying "Mac n Cheese". That is what he called Chuck E. all night! It was too cute! He wasn't quite sure what to think of a giant mouse who was as tall as his dad, but he loved the pizza and the games! He won lots of tickets thanks to Mamaw, Grandma, Daddy, and others, so he was able to get a few prizes!
Daddy, Drew, and Mac N, I mean Chuck E. Cheese.
Mamaw, Grandma, Drew, and Aunt Cortney playing skee ball. Great Grandma and Great Aunt Kathy were playing too.
Aunt Kinsey, Grandpa, and Uncle Cody playing basketball.

Chuck, Kyle, Grandpa Turner, and Grandad were talking church stuff. Pretty serious, huh?? 
Grandma and Drew racing Kinsey in a Mario game.
Drew's face in the Mario game.

Great Grandpa Turner, Daddy, and Drew playing skee ball again.
Uncle John intensely playing the Monopoly game!
Needless to say we all had a good time, but this Mommy was sure ready to go by the end of the night!!