Monday, February 25, 2008

Playing Outside

Well, we had our first decent day out where it wasn't freezing, snowing, or raining so we decided to take Drew outside. I wasn't sure how he would do, but we thought we would give it a try!!

He is playing in his car while mommy and daddy get ready!

Drew and Daddy after they made a snow angel.

These are the piles at either side of our driveway.

Drew is helping Daddy break up the ice at the end of the driveway.

We have had so much snow this winter and we are supposed to get more tonight! says that it's only supposed to be 1-2 inches.....but we will see! In other news we have been super busy lately! Last week we got to watch Taylor play basketball and Bo play hockey and then we got to eat at La Estacion! Yummy! Kyle and I were able to go out with some friends of ours on Friday and Saturday night. I felt kinda bad leaving Drew with a sitter two nights in a row, but Kyle and I RARELY go out together, and his babysitters are AMAZING. We have two college girls who are both training to be nurses. They had him in the nursery at church and fell in love with him (who wouldn't), so I asked them to babysit. They are wonderful and I don't have to worry one bit! That's the best part! So, this week we are busy again (as usual), but Kyle's parents are coming to visit this weekend so that will be a blast. I hope everyone is having a great week so far!

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