So, we had a LONG weekend this past weekend getting the boys' rooms ready. We set up Drew's big boy bed and we got Blake's room organized and all the laundry done. The crib is also set up for a infant again instead of a 2-year-old! Kyle and I even bought our first package of newborn diapers! They are SO small compared to Drew's and I know when Blake comes that Drew will look like a giant! Sunday after church and lunch, Drew and I were snuggling before naptime and apparently we were more tired than we thought! We both dozed off and so Kyle snapped a cute shot of us!
We are officially 36 weeks and 1 day today! We made it past how far I was when Drew decided to join now the waiting game officially begins! Kyle is so cute because he keeps asking me..."Are you okay?"
So, here is the belly at 28 weeks....
And here we are at 36 weeks....
We will keep everyone posted....we have a doctor appointment tomorrow, so maybe an update then!
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