At that point we (the baby and I) were both fine, but she didn't want to take any chances. So, off the hospital we went. Kyle and I were both a little freaked because we didn't expect to be having a baby that day. Drew went to play with some friends and our parents were on their way up. Between 9:30 and 10:30 we got checked in, got to our room (a birthing suite was available), and I got hooked up to all the monitors, got some fluids in me and the pitocin started.
While I answered all the medical questions for the nurse, Kyle started making all the other phone calls to friends and family. So, we basically just were hanging out for awhile waiting for the pitocin to kick in and get the contractions going. We got to hang with the Steele's, then our families arrived. At some point the baby's heart rated dipped a little so I had to be on oxygen for a while. At around 3 I started to get to the point where I was uncomfortable. I couldn't get my epidural till I was 3-4 centimeters because they wanted to break my water and do an internal monitor on the baby then. Luckily for me, my OB said to go ahead and do all of those things. By the time all those things were accomplished I had my relief by 4:30. I pretty quickly started to feel some pressure, but nothing too serious. My nurse said it was just the baby's head coming down. By about 5:30 or so it was a little bit more uncomfortable...the doctor came in to check me and I was at 10!! I had gone from 4-10 in an hour! So, by 5:49 little Blake Joseph was here!!! I had to do VERY little work, which was nice!
Blake Joseph Turner 6 lbs. 9 oz. 19 1/2 inches long
All cleaned up and waiting to meet his big brother and the rest of his family!
Drew checkin on his "baby brudder".
So, during Blake's post birth check up everything was great except for his blood sugar was low. After testing it a few times it wasn't going up, but rather continuing to go down. The doctors decided that he needed to go up the NICU for a while to get it back on track. Little did we know the journey we would take in the next few days. I just kinda thought he would be up there for a bit and then rejoin us in our room later or the next day. I didn't realize I would have to join him in his room.
His nametag on his crib.
Uncle's Joey and John.
So, after being in the hospital for what seemed like forever the doctors basically said that they think his blood sugar problem was caused by his little body not being able to keep up with what he was doing while he was in my belly. He got so used to handling what I had given him that when he had to do it on his own he couldn't. So, he just needed a little jump start. We were able to go home after he had been off the glucose IV for 24 hours with good sugar levels! So, on Tuesday afternoon we were offically released from the hospital! The last pictures are of his first couple days at home!!!
but now he is an old pro!!
Now that we are home...I will keep you all posted on what's going on in our paradise as a family of FOUR!!! I also need to redo my url because we aren't "The Turner Trio" anymore. I have no idea what to use....please leave some suggestions on the comment portion! Also, when I decide to change the url you will have to change it too.....But I will let you all know when that happens! Well, it's 6:00 so time to go feed the little dude! Love to all!
congratulations guys-he is so precious! i love the pictures of you two holding him by yourselves :) hmm... i wasn't very creative with our url, but if i think of anything i'll let you know! enjoy your little guys!
I'm so glad you put up pictures! He is so cute! I was praying and reading the updates on facebook. :) He is so precious, Amy! Don't you just love having 2 kids!?! I kind of felt like it seemed surreal at first. :) I can't think of any ideas for a new url now, but I'll message you if I think of any. :) Enjoy this special time with your super cute family! :)
So how about the turner quad.... or three men and a lady... just to name a few!
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