Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A visit to the Doctor!

Today we took Drew to his 16-month check up. Yes...he is 16 months old! I cannot believe it! Here are the stats...

Weight--24 lbs. 4 oz. (40th percentile)
Height--32 3/4 inches (82nd percentile)
Head--it's in the 50th percentile

The doctor says all is well and his development stuff is in the 18 month range, so that is good! Hurray for Drew! He did have to get three shots, which he wasn't too happy about, but he did take an excellent nap, which will result in a happy guy this evening!

We also had another class at the Y today (before the doctor) and we played with a parachute! It was so cute to watch him run under with all the other kids! He loves going there! I also dropped him off in the nursery before that, so mommy could get a small workout in! He did great and only cried for a few minutes! Good job Drew! Well, that's all for now and have a super day!

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