Thursday, December 6, 2007

Silly Mommy, Funny Drew

Wednesday nights are usually are crazy nights because we have The Edge and XStream. They are our teenage programs at church. So, we usually don't get home till a little after 9 which is past Drew's bedtime. Last night he fell asleep on the way home and stayed asleep till I was getting his jammies on him. While I was taking off his shirt, he woke up. No big deal, I was then able to fill his humidifier and read to him! I did just that and then as usual laid him down, covered him up, and turned on his musical turtle. I went about my nightly duties of picking up somethings and going over some stuff from The Edge. All while Drew is playing away in his crib! It is so cute listening to him talk and play! So after awhile the "playing" had stopped and it was quiet in there so I waited a bit longer before going back in. I just wanted to make sure he was covered up since he had been wondering about the crib. As I walk in and approach his crib his little head pops up....HE'S NOT ASLEEP.....shoot silly mommy I should have waited! But I am kinda glad I didn't (here comes the funny Drew part) he had unzipped his entire sleeper!!! It was so funny! He looked so cute! So, after a little bit more hassle and some snuggle time he finally drifted off to sleep! He has a little cold back (as do mom and dad), so pray we get better soon! Love to all!

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