Saturday, December 15, 2007

Something new

So, I haven't written in awhile. Maybe it's because I have had no pictures to post. I suppose I should take a picture of the whiteness outside! It is snowing again today and has been all day long. Who knows how much more we will get? I think snow is pretty and lovely, but it makes traveling so much harder. It's harder too when you have to carry your son around because you don't want him to walk around it it, fall down, and getting soaking wet. So, I will continue to carry him till it gets better out! I hate that the snow sometimes dictates what we can and can't do because it can be dangerous to drive in. Anyway, enough about the snow!

Drew LOVES to open the doors around our house and it has caused more problems than good. He likes to get the broom and mop out, which is very cute until he almost takes your head off because it's hard to manuever for a one year old. He can also get in the bathroom closet which is where the plunger is kept. Yeah, gross, I know! He also likes to climb on the kitchen chairs, which he is very proud of himself for, but luckily hasn't fallen off yet.

We have been super busy lately, but I think it's a good thing. We all still have colds, but it's winter, what do you expect? Last night we went to a Milwaukee Wave game. Its major league indoor soccer and I usually don't care for soccer all that much, but the indoor is very intense. Drew did a great job and had a lot of fun watching, running, and dancing. He DOES NOT like the Wave mascot and holds onto us for dear life when he is around. It's very funny! We are going to another game on New Year's Eve and will take pictures then. Hope everyone's December is going well!

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